Monday, December 08, 2008

"Sadie" 1959 (From Buckles)

Scan11062, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

For a time chain head pieces were in style. I made a set for our three as seen in this picture taken in front of the Kelly-Miller elephant barn.
My dad said they were awful, mostly because they had to be untangled every time you put them on.
I thought they looked neat but when Barbara and I got married the following winter we found out that they were ill suited for making mounts so we went back to leather.


Wade G. Burck said...

The head pieces I was given by Okie for the elephants that were going to Mexico, were two inch washers, connected to each other with a link of chain that had been hacksawed open. A real mess to get out of the tack box and get on the elephants.
Wade Burck