Monday, November 24, 2008

"The Wonder Show" #3

Scan10982, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Jack and Dolly Lorenzo in 1923 with "Barnum Alice", "Caradini Babe" and "Nero" doing the long mount with "Baby Dixie" looking on.


Anonymous said...

After high school grad. I went om K-M for a few weeks learning to sell banners with banner man Buck Reger and the elephants [eight I believe] were under command of Capt. Jack Lorenzo. I had never heard of him prior to that time. He was a handsome guy and had fancy wardrobe [full dress suit, etc.] I never heard about him after that time and would enjoy one of your brief biog about him. Thanks. Johnny

Anonymous said...

I recall that Mr. Lorenzo was deaf or at least very hard of hearing.