Tuesday, November 18, 2008

From Dave Price

PosCBjumII, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Your mention of Kenya being the only African with an American circus reminded me of the situation with Safari on the Cole show in 1935.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Buckles said, "At the time 'Kenya' arrived she was the only African elephant with a circus in this country."

And when the Cole show acquired Safari (renamed Jumbo II), he was the only African elephant with any American circus- just like it says on the poster.

Anonymous said...

Buckles --
This Clyde Beatty poster reminds me that Saturday, by accident, I switched to Turner Class Movies and caught parts of "Ring of Fear."
It was filmed on the Clyde Beatty Circus. I saw it as a kid. Don't recall the plot. Instead, I watched the featured acts. When I tuned in, I saw Clyde Beatty's act.
Black-maned male lions. Fighting lions. Main feat was a 7-lion lie down. Also got to see the lion chase after Beatty to the cage door. Roger Smith probably knows all about this film, how it was show, how it was edited. Watching
Clyde Beatty on film, I can see why he thrilled audiences. Armed only with his whip, a blank gun, a chair, and his wits --- he had his hands full with those fighting lions. You felt relieved when he got out of the cage alive. --- ToddP

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Mr. Todd,
I switched to it by accident on Sat. as well. No one will ever be able to argue the man could not sell his product. I train cats and I was leaning forward hoping he would make it to the safety cage during the bounce. Worse yet, I have seen it about two dozen times, so I knew he made it, but I was still on the edge of my seat. Here is to the most exciting of showmen Clyde Beatty.