Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Kenya" #7

Scan10964, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

In Hammond, Indiana we kept the elephants in a gymnasium in the basement of the arena and had go up and down several flights of stairs for each performance.


Anonymous said...

A wonderful and adorable shot of you two going up the steps to work. That little one is just too cute for words. What a pair you two are! I wish I could have known yall back then. Karen

Circus Photos said...

Did you ever have a time, were you had to take the elephants through doors that don't fit them standing up? Bobby told me a lot of great stories about when it happen to him.

Buckles said...

Many times.
Usually they just have to hunker down a bit but if you have seen an act with a "London Bridge" you know that they can crawl quite nicely.