Friday, October 24, 2008

Carson & Barnes #4

DSC02657, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

carson and barnes working indoors with more flash than Ringling -- unbelievable -- I don't know where that wardrobe came from but is did not come from Hugo. You would think they would know how to spell pachyderm.

Anonymous said...

So close and yet so far. The multi-colored costumes is a show business staple and an audience favorite.
From a distance this wardrobe looks non-too-shabby.
The idea of a "rainbow brigade" is that the individual costume enters the stage in the order of a rainbow.
They should be lined up as follows:

When they enter, even a pre-schooler who knows their colors will say, "Mommy, it is a Rainbow of ladies!"

Perhaps these ladies just lined themselves up in a different haphazard formation at every show. Or this rainbow got tossed around from one of those tornadoes.

Considering that most shows allow ladies of the chorus to wear whatever slinky dress they found at the mall (on sale), Carson and Barnes made a huge leap from once whenst they came.

Wade G. Burck said...

somewhere, over the....,
Man oh man!!! You make this spec/opening business as serious as pi**ing blood, don't you? I'm more concerned with James C. Hall standing in center ring to take a close up picture. LOL. Unless this production is closing the first half, and he is holding a ride elephant waiting for intermission. I guarantee he didn't get to far away from the elephants.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Rainbow Brigade??...I thought the ONLY important sequence at a Circus was..
And the last time I saw that line-up was in the early 70's when I attended Sells and Gray as a Kid....

Anonymous said...

Jim Z understands the circus business.

Stencell, jump in here.

Buckles said...

Fifty eight years ago we worked dry stock on the come in, sweets and then wet stock after spec.

Anonymous said...

If Ole Whitey's referring to Al, Yea jump in here...Al's Books "Seeing is Believing!" and "Girl Show" are ***** and EXCELLENT!!! I Love that line the one Talker says in Girl Show..."All I can tell you is..She performs Her act with a Male partner! (She's a box jumper in Her Husbands Magic act)...For the Last few years I keep hearing Al's coming out with another book on 10 in 1's...Whats up Al?...The suspense is Killing me...Al writes the BEST Back-end Books I've Read....By the way, there are 8 shows here in Shreveport, Danny England has GIANT Alligator/Crocodile, Reptile, Little Horse..Serge Coronas has Giant Pig, Little Horse, Reptile...Fred Lawry has Reptile featuring 2-headed Rattlesnake ALIVE plus 2-headed turtles etc. ...Yours truly with Big Rag Bannerfront....3 Worlds smallest Horse on the Midway (Danny, Serge, Me) Dude came out of the Show and said mine was the BIGGEST...I replied NO, theirs are regular Horses, Mines a Clydesdale..Needless to squared him.....