Friday, October 24, 2008

Carson & Barnes #1 (From Jimmy Hall)

FT Circus, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Haven't seen the FT Worth shrine in three years or so. The last time I saw it they sure had a well wardrobed show. I must admit I wasn't disappointed this year. The wardrodbe once again looked real sharp.The last time I saw the show they had five or six elephants on the ride and only one working in the show. I feel they made better use of their elephants this year. Five on rides and seven were used in the show. They had nine on the lot in total. It was also nice to see a flying act rigging hanging in that building once again.
James C. Hall

AKA "All around good guy and philosopher"

"There are 20 pictures in this set, I'll include the rest tomorrow"


Anonymous said...

From the esteemed Mr Hall's commments and the great photos this looks like a real "super circus". Cheers to C&B and the shrine. Just wish Ft Worth wasn't so bloody far.
Long live the Circus!
Paul G.

Anonymous said...

It is sure good to see a show owner(s) that "get IT" People in the year 2008 dont want to pay 16 bucks and not be able to see and hear the acts they paid to see.
It is ironic how it took a "mud Show " to do it ! But they also did not stop with the lights and productions they also brought along the performers and acts.

lets just hope they try to out-do 2008 keep up the good work and give the folks some thing to want to come back too and they WILL!

Wade G. Burck said...

I'm sorry, I don't understand. Are you suggesting that folks don't get their money's worth at a three ring show in a big building like they do in a closer then a lap dance one ring tent? Or what exactly is it that these show owner(s) get? $16.00????? That will buy you a 5 pack of Gillette Mach 3 razors and a gallon of Tropicana OJ today. How much show were you expecting for $16.00? Explain again, what it is it took a "mud Show" to do?
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Sure looks like the family did a great job on this project...I'm curious who costumed the indoor show....these can't be the tour costumes as everything looks so new and fresh....AC

Anonymous said...

The costumes were actually bought off an ice show.

Anonymous said...

Barbara and Geary are the only show owners that continue to provide what the public wants and continue to do it even if it costs them more than they can make!!!!!
I say that the C&B show is still the best entertainment value today.
Harry, Am I right ?
Bob Kitto

Mark Lavender said...

Jimmy... Nice pictures of Carson & Barnes show. Thanks for sharing them.