Thursday, October 23, 2008

Biller Bros. Circus #13

biller0011, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

In 1949 three young elephants "Margie", "Betty" and "Lillian" were delivered to the show and Louie Reed was brought in to train them.
They were in dreadful condition and by 1951 when the show folded only "Margie" had survived.

Interestingly, in 1952 the first year of Woodcock's Performing Elephants, she was sold to Kelly-Miller to replace "Anna May". Her name was changed to "Marie" which I believe was Isla Miller's middle name.


Anonymous said...

Marie, I believe is the elephant Bobby Gibbs had with Hetzer with the girl ice skating on the teflon topped houda on the ice show,also that would have been the same Marie that was in the Circus Maximus heard in 1968 that I cleaned up around ?

Buckles said...

The same elephant.