Saturday, October 11, 2008

Beatty-Cole #6

CBCBm, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Thats the big cage truck which pulled the band trailer in photo #2Boom Boom drove the truck and trailer. One time in Sun Prairie, WI, Boom Boom parked the truck in front of a stop light, it was time for a late evening snack, and when we got back to the truck, the local cop gave him hell for blocking the light. I was parked behind him with Bubba riding shotgun for me instead of Boom Boom.
Bob Kitto

Anonymous said...

The man on the eave may have been along the rim during set-up. I used to drop blocks at night for John Schweitzer for an extra $2, and was strictly admonished by Tommy Clarke to descend by the laces. If I stepped on the canvas up there, it could tear and I'd drop to the ground with nothing to grab. He was horrified one night, when I followed another guy in getting between the bale ring and the center pole and sliding down the pole. Tommy advised if a sudden wind came up and slammed the bale ring against the pole, I'd be cut in half. From then on, I came down the laces, as it looks like this guy did.