Thursday, October 23, 2008

Barnum & Bailey LION CLOWN (1918)

From Chris Berry:

90 years ago this month, in October of 1918, Spanish Influenza was sweeping the United States. By the time the pandemic ended in the summer of 1920 as many as 100-million people were dead worldwide. Because of the epidemic Barnum & Bailey was forced to end its season early on October 8 in Houston, Texas. The show closed so quickly that towns in Texas and Louisiana were billed, yet never played. This poster is one of the last produced for Barnum & Bailey prior to the merger with Ringling Bros and sports a date tail for Lake Charles, Louisiana on October 10 - one of those towns that was cancelled. Circuses (and medicine) have come a long way since 1918. Have you had your flu shot?


Anonymous said...

Some of us, the flu shots GIVE us the flu.

Yeah I know they all swear that's impossible but it's not.

If you're one of these folks stay away from this year's cocktail.