Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ringling-Barnum MENAGERIE-MSG (1945)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful selection of lithos!

This particular menagerie scene looks awfully familiar. Could it have been "appropriated" some years later by a show printer on behalf of one or more of the Hugo shows?

Chris Berry said...

Paul - you are of course referring to a great Menagerie poster that Kelly-Miller started using in the 1950s. While there are many similiarities, there is one signficant difference. If you look closely at the Ringling-Barnum poster you'll see that it includes "Mr. and Mrs. Gargantua" in their cage in the center of the Menagerie. Incidently, copies of this poster by clown-turned-artist Bill Bailey(along with a few others with animals) were given to schools during this period as "educational tools". They were accompanied by a "Key" poster with an explanation of what was pictured on the litho. For example, the "Key to Menagerie" poster is a the same design in black-and-white and has a description of all of the animals in the scene.

Anonymous said...

The key poster was in black and white and had numbers to the text references under the posters. I believe there were at least six of these posters issued.
Bob Kitto