Thursday, September 11, 2008

1939 World's Fair #4

The Cleveland Zoo had a monkey mountain, although not as high as this one.


Anonymous said...

Monkey Mountains were all the rage at this time. Zoos all around installed them. Most were populated by the ubiquitous rhesus monkeys or macaques.

Even Ringling –Barnum tried one for a few weeks in 1941. It had a portable canvas water moat surrounding it but the Bel Geddes designers forgot to account for the fact that circus lots are seldom flat. As a result all the water ran down into one end or the other.

Also the resourceful macaques figured out how to get out and up into the menagerie ceiling. Needless to say, Monkey Mountain lasted only a short time before it was packed up and sent back to Sarasota.

Buck also had a monkey mountain at his summer zoo near Amityville, Long Island. There was once a mass escape of the monkeys causing a lot of local hullabaloo.