A supervisor at a circus-training farm in McHenry County is recovering from scratches and bites to his upper body after being mauled by a tiger this week, the farm's owner said Thursday. |
Thursday, August 07, 2008
From Jim Cole
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8/07/2008 11:57:00 PM
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Get well soon Mr. Dean.
Another yet senseless "attack" at the Cuneo facility. And of course, it's always the humans fault! NOT!
That's what happens when you have alot of inbred halfwits around! And, I'm not talking about the humans here! Well, not entirely!
Get well soon Larry!!!
Pete, the Baraboobian!
Our thoughts and best wishes for you Larry. We will certainly hope for complte recovery and be watching for news of your progress. We join with all your many friends in these words and certainly wish we could add more. From all us Herriott's, sincerely
Hey Larry, Get well soon! I need a good Republican to aggitate in the coming months.
Jimmy Cole
Hey, Larry,
Hopes for a speedy recovery and that your wounds are not serious. I guess these Cuneo tigers are a different breed of cat, in more ways than one, than the Clubb "gentlemen" you worked on the Gold Unit in Japan in 1988. Take care, my friend.
Bill Schreiber
Pete, kind of a stretch to assume that the cats, the facility, or the breeding program are to blame in any of this. Plenty of veteran trainers and presenters have been hurt by jungle bred cats too. Captive breeding or inbreeding isn't an issue. A tiger is a tiger and will certainly behave like a tiger now and then. It seems to me that we knowingly put ourselves in harm's way working with almost any kind of dangerous animal, so the assumption of risk is always with the trainer/presenter/groom.
Certainly hoping that LAD makes a speedy recovery.
I have not heard that many misstatements in one comment in many years. Especially from a noted "feline authority" with all the "particulars" or "qualifications" as Col. Herriott would say. It is good you signed your name, or the industry would have assumed it was a Radical and would be forming a lynch mob. 100% human error was what happened, as has happened in 100% of all animal incidences that I am aware of in 34 years. But then again, maybe my "particulars" don't qualify me to your esteemed plateau. I regret I didn't spend more time around ponies and goats to get more of a solid foundation on my "particulars" and have had to just piece it together. Now blow the whistle, and let's start the show.
Wade Burck
Larry - Best wishes on a speedy recovery...I'm guessing it WAS your expertise that got you OUT of this tight jam, ALIVE.
Cindy Potter
Mr. Sturgis,
First I will express that Larry is my friend and I truly thank the Lord that he survived this horrible attack, and gets to tell the story later. That said, I think blaming the facility or animals involved maybe the most ridiculous statement of the day. Plenty of people have been attacked by "not-in-bred" big cats in the past, not at Hawthorn. Lets wait for Larry to give the story before we start painting up "who shot John" and I am confident that Larry won't be blaming anyone.
Ode to Larry:
Reading one of these comments brings back the ill attempt efforts at the teachings of my father. Son, he would say, if you keep your mouth shut folks will never acknowledge how truly ignorant you really are. I must embrace Mr.Herriott's thoughts and wish Mr. Dean a speedy recovery.
P.S.Another one of my dad's sayings on such matters; ( One can always look forward to the fact that it will feel so good when it quits hurting. ) Do take care Mr. Dean.
Let's keep track as "experts" weigh in. Cindy Potter is way off base, and Bill Shreiber is close, but it is not a breed, per se. it is a personality/attitude.
Wade Burck
get well soon larry.
from all ur frends in the uk
emile smith
Wishing you only the best, old friend. I'm sorry you're having this tough time. Come through it well and carry on.
Kim Baer joins me in sending you our encouragement for a good recovery.
Roger Smith
J.C. Hall, Emil Smith, and Roger Smith, and Col. Herriott with their "particulars" are right on track, as well as Ben Trumble, and Casey McCoy Cainan.
Wade Burck
Wishing Larry-Larry a Speedy-Speedy recovery....Nature teaches more than she preaches. There are no sermons in stones. It is easier to get a spark out of a stone than a moral.
John Burroughs
Take Care Larry...JZ
I, too, await Larry's full report, and fully understand that the tiger did what a tiger does...
Cindy Potter
To take our illustrious friend Jimmy Hall's dad's wisdom a step further, we turn to no less an exhaulted wordsmith than Mark Twain who said "I would rather be thought a fool than open my mouth and remove all doubt".
Dear Larry we hope that it doesn't hurt to much, and if it does that it soon stops.
With wishes for a quick return to health and long life and happiness, We remain,
Your Friends
Michael Hackenberger & Family
Small world. I was going to post Emil Smith photos tomorrow on my blog as your outstanding horn hasn't been blown in a while. I was telling a young American animal trainer just the other day, what great trainers you, Rene Strickler, and others are. He hadn't heard of a lot of great trainers from the 80's/90's. Glad you made an appearance. Contact me at wburck3@aol.com if you want Larry's report.
Wade Burck
Hey Larry, I hope you will recover soon, wish you all the best.
I can only second Roger Smiths's wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Bob Kitto
Larry, I hope you have a speedy recovery.
To All Concerned:
My opinion on how things happened, or how I hear they happened, is certainly my own. I'm entitled to it, just as you are yours.
I've had ALOT of friends that have worked for the Hawthorne Corp. over the years. Most have only good to say about Mr. Cuneo, and the care he provides, or has provided, for his animals. That is not in question AT ALL!
Wade, I will stick to my "ponies & goats" as you stated. Fortunately, I'm NOT a "legend in my own mind", and I do know my limitations. I don't usually spout off about things I don't know too much about.
Yes, I'll "blow the whistle & get the show started", as you say...
Care to divulge your side of the details about your impending lawsuit???
Casey, i don't really know LAD that well, mostly what I've heard and seen over the last few years, although I have met him, from when I worked with Buckles. I have seen LAD work before (the Clubb Lion Act on RBBB) and was greatly impressed with his presentation. I'm always impressed with people who ACTUALLY work in this buisness, or have worked in this buisness in years gone by. I'm not too impressed with "blowhards" who "know it all"!
I meant NO disrespect to anyone, especially LAD, but there are others that now have my attention to who, and what, they REALLY are!
Opinions are like butts...everybody has one! Some STINK more than others!!! Enough said, for now!!!
Pete, the Baraboobian!!!
"It is indeed a wonderful day in the neighborhood !"
Growing up I was aware that some cheeses display unpleasant odors. I guess so can some cheese heads.
I hear Mr.Dean is recovering quite well.
P.S. Mr.Hackenbergers quotes could bare noting
Well, Pete you broke the cardinal rule - you should know by now that any opinion than that of America's Living Legend aka Lord of the hind leg tiger will be subject to ridicule. How dare you think you could sneak your opinions in with those of the master. Sheesh!
So, Having denegrated every American trainer, living and dead, the Legend seeks friends thousands or miles across oceans.
That and a nickle will buy you a cup of coffee, but it won't get you respect even from the foreign masters of the craft, that us lowly commoners have been unable to grasp.
Opinion is that exercise of the human will which helps us to make a decision without information.
-John Erskine
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a wide-spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
-Bertrand Russell
The public buys its opinions as it buys its meat, or takes in its milk, on the principle that it is cheaper to do this than to keep a cow. So it is, but the milk is more likely to be watered.
-Samuel Butler
Larry Allen Dean.
We'll meet again
Don't know where
don't know when
But I'll know we'll meet again
some sunny day
Just keep smiling through
just like you always do
Till the blue skies
drive the dark clouds far away
please note that I am not the only one here with a clever name (tip o the hat to you "nobody does it better")
Larry Allen Dean is the only person I know with 3 first names; he tells me that all the time!
Mr. Sturgis,
You are absolutely "entitled" to voice an "opinion". I believe people who go in cages with cats also have some "entitlement" to the subject. I realize you are probably frustrated that your comment was received as such, and didn't become a "gang up on Hawthorn" session. But to then vent your frustration at only Wade, and none of the other 5 animal people that found it absurd seems more like a personal ax grind. Wade surely doesn't need me in his defense (He is a big boy with bigger mouth) but I would suggest he is the best authority here on cats in an arena at Hawthorn. I am gonna guess he doesn't know it all, but does know what happened there. NO disrespect meant to anyone! Now blow the whistle again intermission is going way too long....
I didn't realize my title had gained such "international" recognition. Thanks a million!
Anonymous Steel Heart,
Did you have a list of those American Animal Trainers I have denigrated? Guther was American I thought, My son is named after an American Animal Trainer, and my son is an American Animal Trainer, John Herriott is on my Top Ten list of All Time great liberty Horse Trainers, and he will by God tell you he is American.
I didn't know it was supposed to be about Nationality's. If you had told me that sooner, I would have certainly worked you in some where, as we don't want any body to feel denigrated. I could also use that cup of coffee and with diesel prices that nickel would come in handy.
Wade Burck
You can't get that "deep" you are going to lose him. You might want to stick with flatulence and Mark Twain hominies. But let's see if you are focused on anyway. Thanks Pal
Thank you. You want to be careful with facts. They are not taken kindly too. I think you may have picked up the shoe, "cute name" intended for our friend Jimmy Hall, and you are trying to jamb your foot in to it. LOL
Be safe, Amigos
Wade Burck
Bravo Casey....I thought the same about Mr. Sturgis aiming his frustrations at only Wade....I just assumed everyone would think me biased,as I am related to several of the 'Imbred Half Wit Humans" that he refered to....
And as for you anonymous; I don't believe that Wade has ever belittled any animal trainer....As for respect, anyone that has ever seen Wade train an animal,or work an act, could only come away from it respecting the talent that he has....maybe you could get a little of that respect,if you had the guts enough to sign your name....
Nobody eats there...Its always to crowded....
Yogi Berra
Is that Better Wade?
Mr. Baraboobian,
Clarification please. In regards to this comment:
"I'm always impressed with people who ACTUALLY work in this buisness, or have worked in this buisness in years gone by. I'm not too impressed with "blowhards" who "know it all"!
I meant NO disrespect to anyone, especially LAD, but there are others that now have my attention to who, and what, they REALLY are!"
There are a half dozen people trying to decide who that shoe is supposed to fit, and it doesn't fit anybody who opined back to your opinion. We are thinking Michael Hackenberger because he runs a zoo, but shoot Pete, he's paid his dues and done "trench time" in "this business." Besides Mike says it isn't his. If the shoe was meant for somebody else, be more specific and we will see that they get it. Thank you.
Wade Burck
P.S. By the way you contradicted yourself: "I don't usually spout off about things I don't know too much about."
P.S.S. "My opinion on how things happened, or how I hear they happened, is certainly my own."
FYI, while that is "certainly" true sometimes Pete, in a court of law it is known as "hearsay", and it is "not admissible." What "not admissible" means is "it is worth squat, nada, a hill of beans or that nickel and cup of coffee anonymous is trying to give away to Europe."
Go away from the blog for a few days and wow, sure gets interesting! Larry I hope you recover from the mishap and wish you well!
On August 7th, and anonymous comment was posted on a Althoff family memorial in an effort to get LAD into the TOP TEN RIGHT SIDE OF THE BLOG HALL OF FAME. It looks like we have succeeded. I want to thank my Animal Training comrade for the anonymous post, Jimmy Cole for jumping on it with a photo, and Mr. Barboobian for the spark to ignite it.
To Anonymous, I regret having to start it rolling on an esteemed European Animal Training family post, but it was for an American Animal Training comrade and I had to take what was available.
When I visit LAD this afternoon, I will take the laptop and I am sure he will appreciate the comments, well wishes, and inclusion into the RIGHT SIDE HALL.
Wade Burck
We wish to send Mr. Dean our wishes for a speedy recovery from his injuries....And our congratulations on making the Blog Hall of Fame...." The Ladies "
....Hey Larry, get well soon my friend....I have sent my thoughts to be delivered in person to you, but thought I'd help in your Hall-O-Fame quest.
Your Yogi Berra was good, but a little in "left field" let me try...
"just because you bought some white ponies from a cowboy in Iowa, don't mean you know Roy Rogers or Dale Evans"
It's my own quote, but feel free to use it at your own discretion.
Comment #40...Larry, it's been a long time, too long, since we've been in touch and as we frequently do, we've been wondering what you've been up to...this is a Hell of a way to find out. Our only comment is we're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, wishing you well and looking forward to our next meeting.
Just a fan and friend,
Paul Gutheil
To Pete and Wade,
Please see as soon a possible. I think that you medications need to be reviewed.
Dr. Zorba
Zych and Casey,
Both the Yogi and CMC are great, and they will work for any occasion, when a flatulence substitute is needed. But even Twain isn't in the same league with:
"GYP, leave it alone." Rex Williams
"Between you, me, and the gate post." Lou Regan
Wade Burck
Geeze Wade...
For somebody that seems to be so astute at everything, or at least you proport to, you can't see the "handwriting on the wall"???
You're right, I don't know all the details about LAD getting hurt. I only know what 2 different people told me, and both their stories were almost identical. Hmmm... a conspiracy??? The "sources ARE reliable!
Why are you always looking over your shoulder? Even when you're not in a cage with 14 seasoned "green" tigers??? Ya got more "balls" than me, when it comes to the tigers!
As usual the topic has gotten twisted, and the opinion polls are mounting up, but the people "in the know" are the ones who really know what's going on, with who's who, and what's what. Do I need to explain that one to you, also???
I don't think God is on vacation, or gone out of buisness, so we should all thank Him for tolerating our sorry butts!!! No matter who we are, or what we do.
Anymore questions or commentary will just fall under the "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH..." category.
Pete, the Baraboobian!
PS - Sorry I haven't been able to respond to all the commentary, as of late. I was double booked with my carnival, and I thought sleep was a little more important than...whatever you think.
I thought somewhere between "Get well soon Mr. Dean" and "Another yet senseless "attack" at the Cuneo facility it switched to the "BLAH BLAH BLAH" category.
Is it time to wave flags and stand on the ring curb????
Just spoke to Larry and asked him if it only hurts when he laughs and he assured me that that rumor is not 100% true,"It was sure good to hear from him"
Larry, you've got them rock'n. You may end up in Buckles top ten items. Take care, best wishes, and we'll visit in Gibtown, Sarasota, or suburban Davenport.
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