Monday, August 18, 2008

"Louie" #1

Scan10615, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I received this message from Joey Ratliff regarding the Circo Chino tape seen below.

"This elephant goes by the name "Big Boy" and the show is from Mexico. Someone told me once that this animal is Bobby Stebbin's male "Louie" but I don't know for sure. If you click on the video screen, not the two "play" arrows, it will take you to the youtube page with more videos of him. "

This makes a little more sense, Circo Chino De Pekin would be a South American show that had hired some Chinese acts similar to what D.R. Miller did some years ago.
The picture above was taken in 1968 not long after I had received him from Morgan Berry.
If it turns out that "Big Boy" is not "Louie", what many people have long suspected will be validated, I don't know what in the Hell I'm talking about.

After checking the recent comments, Jim Zajicek may have proven my critics correct. He thinks it is David Blasco's former elephant who also went South and he is probably correct.
On second viewing "Big Boy" looks more the age Wade Burck suggests.