Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sparks Circus 1947 #6

Scan10495, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

After crossing Canada to disappointing business the show reentered the U.S. in Washington and promptly folded in Tacoma on Sept. 7th a long way from home.
The picture above shows the Ringling owned elephants being led to an empty airplane hangar at the Boeing Bomber Plant until being returned to Sarasota. The show's train can be seen in the background.
Three years later, I got to know the first two elephants ("Jess" and "Lop-Eared Vic)" from their days in Hugo.


Anonymous said...

In the background you can see some of the Lewis Diesel-built wagons that were bought by Beatty for the 1949 (and subsequent) tours.

The ticket wagon stayed the longest, serving on Beatty-Cole for many years, while most of the others went to Strates Shows when Beatty was converted to trucks in 1957.

Anonymous said...

The ticket wagon, now riding on its second or third straight bed truck chassis, has been preserved.