Monday, July 21, 2008


snyder, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The last photo is from his recent trip to Kansas. Since he is a clown in addition to his writing, producing, musical stylings, he went to the Emmett Kelly Museum's convention in Sedan, Kansas and participated in the festivities. While in Kansas he drove over to Salinas to see the remains of Sells-Floto bull Snyder. They are at the Smoky Hill Museum and while they are not on display, someone at the place took him to the room where they are kept. They even made copies of newspaper accounts and hand written accounts by witnesses to that fretfull day. this is a skull shot he printed out for me.

Jon is such a lover of elephants he has been coming in on Mondays to help out around the elephant barn. Real stand up guy, in all ways. Thanks.
