Friday, July 11, 2008

Rudi Lenz 1959

Rudi Lenz 1959, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Mike Naughton said...

Rudi looks exactly the same!

Anonymous said...

At one time, didn’t Sue and Rudi have a bonobo, once called the pygmy chimp but now considered a separate species?

Anonymous said...

The photos are priceless and a great reminder of just how very wonderful Sue, Rudi and "kids"
were. thanks for so many wonderful memories...and I still
treasure the photo of me and little Pepe.

Paul & Diane Gutheil

Anonymous said...

We are not sure if we had a pygmy chimp but did have a very small fat chimp that never seemed to grow much, He had a very mean disposition, don't think he was a Bonobo as they seem to be very slender.