Bert Pettus and Johnny Herriott with King Bros. Circus 1954. |
Thursday, July 17, 2008
From John Herriott
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7/17/2008 06:34:00 AM
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Bert Pettus and Johnny Herriott with King Bros. Circus 1954. |
Posted by
7/17/2008 06:34:00 AM
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J. Herriott looken Real Sharp & Jazzy -
in thoes FINE THREADS !
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To: "Bud said" :
Are you sure. The slick fellow on the right looks like the guy who was running the shell game in the grift.
Wade Burck
Must have been a big spot, as Tommy Hanneford would say, we have put on our best "drag". Bert nwith the Same Brown Belt and me in the so-called "equestrian elegance". But it was not quite that way. The cookhouse was lousy, the show was late or broke down every day. We paqrad4d every day, [what a pain in the ass],[circus fans loved it, and so did Floyd King]. I had a lower in 27 sleeper trhat they never hooked up to lights. But I met Mary Ruth, I got 75.00 a week salaruy, Jim Conly gave me fifty for principal rider in his riding act and I got fifteen a week for being Mrs. King assistent for robbing them on the front door with litho passess. Mary Ruth got 35.00 a week salary plus ten dollars to be secretary for lega adjuster [fixer] Mal Fleming, and Five bucks as a truck driver. Now it occurs to me I never got the driving scratch, gue4s all trainers "trhat stretches the imagination" were expected to drive. But when you are in love nothing matters and it was all just great. But as Tommy would say, We were in our best "drag".
Great story. Lou Regan always talked about having to wear that @#$%$%$ Sam Brown belt. I never knew what one was. Twenty years after you got paid 75.00 for the horses, that's what I got paid to be Lou's groom and my crummy had lights. 50.00 is what I got paid 2 years later to work the single baby elephant Tina. The driving deal I have always been told every trainer just does, and I guess I wasn't lied too. But he will pay a driver for a lady as they aren't required to drive, so Mary Ruth made out alright with the Lincoln she earned. And yes, love will make you see a lot of things differently.
Great expression, "that stretches the imagination." Is that how they announced the acts, or is that what everybody thought to themselves sitting on the hay bales cutting up jackpots. LOL
Be well, Col.
Wade Burck
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