Friday, July 11, 2008

From Don Covington

Charlestown 2008 002, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles,

I have also noticed that the 'recent comments' section of the blog has dropped out of the left hand column of your blog. I was happy to see your comment today that Shannon had found a way around it, but, as of now, there still are no comments when I log on.

Big Apple's in Charlestown, RI. The weather is perfect, warm and sunny during the day with those sea breezes off of the ocean and nice cool, starry nights for sleeping. The horses and Paul Binder's trailer are still under the trees, but there is a big empty spot where the elephants should be. You'll be happy to know, however, that the Ninigret Park people are still installing that plywood walkway across the bicycle path before we arrive each year, just in case any elephants have to cross over.

Give our best to Barbara, Shannon and Melissa and the grandkids. We miss you guys!

All the best,

Don, Jan and Anne


Mike Naughton said...

A Mr. Koch (pronounced coke) has donated $100 MILLION to the New York State Theatre at Lincoln Center.

This info was in an article in one of the New York papers yesterday.

In the article it mentions that Mr. Koch has a pair of elephant tusks framing the entrance to his dining room.

Perhaps the powers at Lincoln Center and their corporate and private donors would like to see elephants that are ALIVE and well in future productions -- I'm sure it can be arranged for generous donations of less than 100 Million.

Howard Wahlberg said...

Ah, Ninigret Park. When I was marketing director at BAC (86-89) we had a guy there who used to help us cite the tent the right spot on the old runway. We were never sure if "downwind George" as we called him was positioning the tent for our reasons or to be ready to take off or land on the runway! --Howard