Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cole Bros. Circus 1941 #13

Scan10409, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

On the back is typed:
"Beloit, Wisconsin, June 18, 1941
Kachel, Griebling, Kelly and Laird"

This is probably a Charles Kitto picture. Someone should ask those circus fans not to sit on the damn wagon pole.


Anonymous said...

That's probably one of my dad's pictures. Clarence
Kachel (pronounced cackle, not cashel as some of his richer relatives preferred) was a circus fan from Whitewater, WI and built a good sized miniature circus.
As to sitting on the wagon pole, the only show that I remember saying anything about the wagon pole, was Ringling show and they said that employees were forbidden to ride on the wagon pole.
Bob Kitto