Friday, May 16, 2008

York as I remember it. #1 (From Buckles)

Scan000011220, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I don't recall any stone structures at all. I remember it as an open courtyard in which everything was parked, surrounded by wooden structures as seen above. This truck appears to be freshly painted and ready to go.
Down town York was well within walking distance.
I remember once riding the train from Hot Springs to York and on the final leg of the trip the coach had wooden seats and vendors would walk the length of the train selling various things.
Once on arrival we learned that Davey MacIntosh's wife Ursula had been kicked by a horse and was in the Hospital. Her room was filled with flowers and I remember her saying to my mother, "I know people mean well but all these flowers remind me of a funeral." And she died that night.
My mother hounded me so much about keeping away from the cat cages that when we went to the local movie, I would duck down behind the seat when the MGM lion appeared.