Saturday, May 31, 2008

Wanda Moore in Australia.

SAVE0470, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Barbara and I just received a call from Wanda, seen at left at our Paris wedding and who now lives just outside Melbourne. She is sending me some Carson & Barnes material from the days when her father Jack Moore, owned the show.
I couldn't resist asking how she wound up on the other side of the world and she explained that upon retirement she decided to sell her five Floral Shops in Dallas and bought a nice home in Phoenix to spend her days visiting her kids and grand children. Learning that her daughter and family were moving to Australia she impulsively sold the Phoenix Estate and went with them.
She now divides her time between Australia and Hawaii (where her son manages a Country Club and will soon have a marriage in Bali) as well as Dallas to visit her brother and sister Mike and Martha. She mentioned that several years ago while shopping at a mall, she spotted Perry Bros. Circus, introduced herself and received a royal reception. She had Mr. and Mrs. Perry come to her home and remarked how much she enjoyed their company and despite the difference in the circuses, how much they had in common in their stories of everyday pleasures and problems of life in the circus.
I brought up the subject of the Carson & Barnes reunion in Dallas and she said that if it comes about she would certainly enjoy attending.