Friday, May 09, 2008

RBBB- Rockford, Ill. 1931 #3

Scan000011198, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

This is hippo wagon no. 88. It was built in 1924 to replace the old 1903 Ringling wagon that had Egyptian flavored carvings on the corners. It burned in the big fire at Bridgeport in early 1924.

This no. 88 got pneumatic tires round 1935.

The “Largest Living” slogan remained on the sideboards through 1940.

Anonymous said...

I should add that no. 88 was used through 1947, after which it was assigned to the wagon graveyard at Sarasota quarters. Bradbury photographed it there in 1949 and it seems to have disappeared therafter.