Friday, May 09, 2008

RBBB- Rockford, Ill. 1931 #1

Scan000011196, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

These Rockford pictures were taken by Charles Kitto.


Anonymous said...

The bull hands were well dressed in those days. No Circus Vargas and Carson-Barnes T-shirts.

Anonymous said...

Times have changed, at least the shows you mentioned had some kind of dress code. I see people at funeral parlors in tank tops and shorts which leads me to believe that they have no respect for the deceased or any class at all.
Bob Kitto

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate that when you show pictures that my dad took, you always note that fact. Many times I have seen his pictures in various publications and there is no credit. One time I wrote the author of an article that showed one of his pictures and told him who the people were and who took the picture, but he did not even
have the courtesy to respond.
Thanks again,
Bob Kitto