Monday, May 19, 2008

King Bros. Circus 1947 #1

Scan000011229, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Alice", "Mona", "Mary Ann" and "Margie".
My records show a second small elephant "Vickie" had been added in 1947 but she is not included in this picture or had died.


Ryan Easley said...

Would this Vickie be the same '2,300 pound, 4 year old' that trampled Johnny 'Smoky' Strickland in North Carolina, September 1955?


Buckles said...

Checking further, I see that the "Vickie" in question (named after Floyd King's wife) was killed in a truck wreck in 1948.

Ryan Easley said...

Thank you, sir. That would have been too easy :)