Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Hanneford Brothers #2

TOMMY AND GEORGE HANNEFORD, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

George and Tommy Hanneford


Anonymous said...

This picture is quite obviously printed backwards. But none the less clearly shows what great bareback riders that Tommy & George Hanneford were.

Mike Naughton said...

This photo appears to be "flipped" or reversed or mirrored. In this photo the horse appears to be going clockwise around the ring when in fact the horse would have been going counterclockwise.

Anonymous said...

Yes! When I scanned the pictures
this one just would not come out right so I said what the hell and
sent it anyway. I spent the morning today with George and Vicky
at Doctor's Hospital. George's lungs are full of fluid and they thought it was congestive heart failure. Being on Universoul, the
weather has been cold and miserable
in New York and George hasn't been taking care properly. Hopefully this will be taken care of and he
can resume flying back and forth to
move the elephants.