Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth #1 (From Jerry Digney)

TASCHEN1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

For devotees, this will be worth having: the ritzy art book publisher TASCHEN is planning a 600+ page book on the circus (retailing for a whopping $200) due out in June. A couple of images attached--one image show's the Bill Ballantine-designed midway (from the mid 50s?) which had some nice flash to it--Bill also redid the sideshow banners as I recall;

Jerry Digney


Anonymous said...

The book is co-authored by non other than Dominique Jando! Looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure Jando had anything to do with this book?! It was written by a Ph.D candidate who did a paper on it in Las Vegas at the Circus Historical Society Convention in 2007. You also can pre-order the book on for $120. That's a pretty hefty savings.
Neil Cockerline
Minneapolis, MN