Wednesday, May 07, 2008

From Joey Ratliff

cheeta, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Various people have invented themselves over the years as the owner and trainer of the original Cheetah and have given interviews, press releases, etc. It all sounds good, but I doubt if any of it is true. We know what happens to Chimps at a certain age, plus I had the privelege of spending alot of time a number of years ago with George Emerson, trainer of Cheetah and the MGM elephants, Hap, Sally and, I believe Queen. Remember them in Weismuller tarzan movies with "Boy". Johnny Sheffield. In those days all animals were kept on MGM lot 3 in Culver City. Later, after elephants were sold the newer Cheetahs were kept at Louie Goebels [Thousand Oaks]. I heard that the elephants were actually owned by MGM exec. Frank Whitbeck, an avowed elephant buff. Believe Slivers Madison took the elephants "on the road", as Emerson had a full time position with MGM and could not leave such a lucrative position. He and Slivers were lifelong buddies from their days as hands on the Al. G. Barnes circus. I am sure Buckles vcan document this better than I, but its what Emerson told me. Roger Smith might have info on Thousands Oaks-Goebel connection. Goebel was an importer of Chimps, elephants, camels, etc.

Wade G. Burck said...

What happens to Chimps at a certain age? I am not familiar with what that is. Can you elaborate? Thanks.
Wade Burck

Buckles said...

Buddy Watkins put it best.
The first four years you work the chimp.
The second four years you work together.
The last four years the chimp works you.

Wade G. Burck said...

That's funny. Mr. Watkins did put it best.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

I steer clear of Chimps/monkeys and Red-neck Bars.....For some unknown reason...they both want to cause harm to the Tall skinny guy with Glasses.....Jim Zajicek

Anonymous said...

Hell, everyone knows what happens to chimps at a certain age...they are taught a courbette.