Saturday, May 10, 2008

Carson & Barnes #1

First trucks hitting the lot, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Carson and Barnes played Orangeburg, SC last Wednesday and arrived in a thick fog. A friendly bunch and made me feel right at home during the set-up and harkened back for me the days over sixty years ago to Cetlin and Wilson, only we traveled by rail.

The Orangeburg date was a disaster; only 58 people for the matinee and not much better for the evening. The artists gave no less a performance for us 58 than they would have for a full house.


""In a related matter, I received a call yesterday telling me that Barbara Jane had arrived in Sarasota yesterday on a business matter and was carrying a pistol in her purse."


Anonymous said...

Damn shame that C&B drew a blank. Hope that is just an isolated incident.

Anonymous said...

I`m not really surprised, Living here in South Carolina I can tell you that Orangeburg is not the kind of place you put in your tourism pamplets. Just last week they had 2 law officers shot down there, 1 was killed and the other wounded seriously,George if you live there sorry to talk about your area like that, just telling it like it is. I`m leaving myself in a a little while for Rock Hill for the show,hope it`s better there. I wanted to leave earlier to catch the tent raising, but had something to do this morning. I`ll try to make it over to Florence on Tuesday morning for that, why not gas is only $4.00 a gallon. I`ll let you know how Rock Hill goes today.

Hal Guyon