Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Bee's Wax the Taximeter Mule #1(From Buckles)

SAVE1625, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I never saw an act like this. The "taxicab" is collapsible and at some point in the act, the mule will kick it completely apart.
This is well known horse trainer Dennie Curtis in black-face.

In one of my dad's letters he tells of taking three of Hall's elephants on a string of Fair dates. He mentioned that well known elephant trainer Sidney Rink was booked on the tour with an act like this which he presented in a "swallow-tail coat" and top hat.
The elephants and mules shared a baggage car as well as the tent that was provided at each Fairgrounds.
My dad described him as very flamboyant, always had a story to tell and his prized possession was a medallion he always wore that bore the inscription "To the greatest animal trainer of all times! from Al G. Barnes."


Anonymous said...

Either Rink trained it for Curtiss, or it was Rinks act and Curtiss bought it, then at the untimely death of Curtiss, Mrs. Curtiss hired horse trainer-equs. dir. Fred Leonard to work the act, and then she would sell the act and a dog act as well to the Moore Bros. and it would become Sid Moores Taximeter Mule and Sonny Moores Roustabouts and the Moores have been going strong ever since.