Saturday, April 26, 2008

Red Show 1978 #7

RBBBKnox3, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Toby, that is Dolly Jacobs.

Anonymous said...

Glitz and glamour and above all, CLASS, never go out of style. Dolly and that wardrobe would get oohs and ahhs today if worn in a show. The showgirl (before they were called circus dancers) pictured below is Judy Nightingale, I think. Her wardrobe, too, is another Don Foote creation.
As a wise showman once told me, "Everytime Ringling gets an idea they think they have to re-invent the wheel."

Anonymous said...

No, No, No--the show girl below could be Tina, the blonde hair threw me off.
That wise showman with the wheel remark use to have something to do with elephants and latter went into blogging so he wouldn't bug his wife during their retirement.
Apologies, Tina.

Wade G. Burck said...

Sorry. I thought she was in the first photo, under the heading. Should have looked further on.
Wade Burck