Tuesday, April 22, 2008

From Gary Hill

!cid__Photo0000_0421, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Howdy Capt. This is our rig for running to Sortings and Barrelraces. 4 horse reverse load, living quarters fulled equiped, tack room is in the very back and horses load and ride sideways backwards. Ours is only one of many in case the Curator is interested? Good thing about my horses is that they are part of my shoeing business, as we train , breed and sell. Thanks, Gary


Anonymous said...

I note what you say in regard to hoofed stock on Ringling. We kept the liberty horses barefoot, except for some with various foot problems. All bareback horses had Fruen rubber shoes and the high school horses as well. The animal walk wore down those rubber shoes in a hurry. There used to be a cowboy ferrier here in Sarasota, Wayne James, who would do bothy shows before vwe went on the road and then Doc Henderson would get a local to come out on the road. Yes, I remember after Doc when they flew this guy in, Jimmy was his first name and yes he did get the hotel, rental car,etc. and only needed to bring a rasp really, but that wasw the decision of a Rinling vet and of course we all know stories of waste of money bon the GSOE. Nobody ever did anything about it. What a sweetheart deal. I will say he was a nice guy.

Anonymous said...

Gary...Nice Rig....Mine are steel...Easiar to modify (and repair on side of Road)....Curator (Fellow Horse trailer Buff)

Wade G. Burck said...

The harness maker had the same deal when I was there, and all he had to do was measure, and bring it back for a final fitting. He didn't have a "generally useful" or "must do three or more" clause in his contract/deal.
Are you suggesting that Jimmy would have been a better farrier if he had helped muck out the stable, or helped on animal walks, or did opening?