Sunday, April 27, 2008

End of the line #1 (From Bob Cline)

RBBB Wreck1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Here are three photos of a RBBB coach I found sitting at the car barns of the Mad River Train Museum in Bellevue, Ohio a couple weeks ago when I went to visit my parents.
I don't know how long this has been stored in Ohio now. The tri-axle trucks are sitting beside the coach with dual axle truks under it. This is a laid track all by itself. The only way it got here was by the train crane beside it picking it up and setting it down on this track. Maybe someone else can tell us when this car was on the train, and maybe even what, when, and where. It looks like it got sideswiped. From the pealing of the finish, I would say this didn't happen recently.


Bob Cline said...

The elephant head pieces are red globes on the Red unit and Blue globes on the Blue unit. So would this Blue globe of the GSOE indicate this car was on the Blue unit?

Anonymous said...

Bob I believe you have something there. I have lived on both trains and now it seems like that logo was on different colors depending on Blue or Red. Wonder who would officially clarify that.

Anonymous said...

Correct and still true having just been with both units the last couple of weeks. And by the way, there may be a time when the two trains will pass each other on adjoining tracks now that both shows are in southern New England for the next two weeks. Happened last year to the delight of everyone on the train. Understand there is a golf match planned between some folks on the two shows in the next day or two since they are so close.
Dick Flint

Buckles said...

In 1994, my second spot with the Blue Show, was a 2-day stand in Daytona. Jimmy Cole visited as well as Freddy and Walter Logan from DeLand. All three made the march to the cars closing night.
After loading out we were standing along side the train when suddenly the Red Show came flying hell bent for leather one set of tracks over.
They were enroute from Miami to Jacksonville. We finished out the week at Macon, Ga. where Richard Reynolds and family visited as well as Ray Gronso and Gordon Taylor.

Buckles said...

I wonder if anyone is aware that Gunther and I once performed in the same ring together.
Following the train wreck there were no elephant acts in Orlando but the first chance I got in Daytona I went to work.
Patty had picked out the best five elephants for the center ring, Ted had the second best five and Tom Hafner got what was left.
Jimmy Silverlake knew the routine so we ran Ted's act thru a couple of times, a hodge-podge of three Ringling elephants "Siam", "Kernaudi" and "Karen" plus two Diano elephants "Minnie" and "Mysore".
Then to further complicate matters, Gunther arrived in his bus and pretty much took over, even so much as to state that he would help me work Ted's act during my debut.
Needless to say it was a disaster, Jimmy Silverlake outside the ring yelling at both of us as we bumped into each other as we gave commands in two different languages.
The only thing the elephants could remember was how to shit in the ring.
Ever the great showman, at the conclusion of the act Gunther shook my hand and patted me on the back, resulting in the best applause I got all year. Go figure.

Bob Cline said...

What a great story Buckles!

GaryHill said...

Capt pardon my ignorance but what year did this happen?

Buckles said...

Early in 1994 following Ted's death.

henry edgar said...

Buckles- this is just one more story that provides one more reason why you should write a book.

Anonymous said...

Forget the rest of the show, I think I would pay full price just to see that elephant act!