Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Curator of the Curious #1 (From Jim Zajicek)

ac8a, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Vintage 41' 1986 Continental 7 Horse Slant.......The Curator


Anonymous said...

Pretty nice equip. You can sure be proud of that. I have seen your great "rag" bannerline and show set up.Pretty good for an old "show bum". The term show bum is given with respect and believe I first heard it from Jimmy Reynolds. To be a "show bum" you must be part of an exclusive fraternity. Not everyone is eligible.

Anonymous said...

Is this a Dennis Gilli paint job?

Anonymous said...

Jim... It was painted by Jim Hand....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Kind words Col...Coming from a man of your stature....after 30+ years in the biz....I finaly feel accepted....The Curator (Town Mark)

Anonymous said...

Neat rig! Isn't there an advantage these days to having a fifth-wheel rig over a semi as to over-the-road regulations/taxes/whatever? Can someone explain? How does the potential load carried compare? Other differences as to driving, flexibility, etc.?
Dick Flint

Anonymous said...

Both trailers were goose-neck...I put King-pins on instead...thus alowing them to be registered with "Permanent tags (1 time fee)" The red trailer and truck has IFTA a DOT # and apportioned plates,and is registered for 43,999 lbs...So it does not need to pay Fed.Highway use tax...Yet I must have Class A lic, med card, and run alog book....So where the big savings in Insurance...Since the Freight is registered as a Box Truck w/ trailer....My Ins. is about $4000 less than a semi...I carry Full coverage on the FreightLiner and also recieve a discount for my Driving record.....The Animal trailer/pickup is regsistered as a private vehicle (since it only hauls critters and tack) hence no paint ins. licences on both rigs sets me back about $4700 a year.......The Curator

Anonymous said...

As far as loads...The Red trailer hauls 3 circus wagons, poles, tent, bannerline ect, plus The Curator lives in the Front 1/3 (Self Contained) we drive thru scales and have NEVER been stopped,(Knock on Wood) Well, only so they can veiw something Strange....I never charge Them...Jim Zajicek

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Zyche! You really have come a long way and have such an impressive side show. I have always missed the sideshow over here on KM. I made a lot of money as Miss Elastatia!
