Friday, March 07, 2008

The Smaha Family 1967 #4

Scan000010949, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I scanned these pictures from a 1967 Polack Bros. program, a season that I trouped with the Smahas. Any animal person knows that with an indoor show like that, the facilities for the animals are often cramped, cooperation is essential and can make the difference between a plesant season or a miserable one.
That summer in California young Tony developed a serious eye infection from which he was hospitalized and his folks stayed behind for several weeks until he recovered.
I never fully realized what great troupers the Smahas were until Albert Ostermier showed up.



Anonymous said...

Tony Sr. would bring the "capriole" into vogue in the circus and then elsewhere with his Palomino "Timmy" that came from Australia with the family and then later when he was able to acquire his own Lippizaners.

The winter I spent with the Smahas on Lashinsky Lippizan show and the had some ten or twelve Lippizaners and a couple trainers of note [I guess], they hired tony to do the "AIRS" with his horses, plus their act for the then unheard of Thirty Five hundred dollars per week and no pro-rata.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

Buckles: A fabulous tribute to a fabulous family.
Inga, you are in our hearts, and in our prayers, we wish you strength, and want you to know we share your loss.
One thing I remember most about Tony, when he was speaking with friends, he always used the expression, "We're family", sleep well old friend.
Bill & Trudy


Your comment on the Smaha family brought to mind in 67 you had brought me to the Pollack Show to drive the elephant truck. We were snowed in in Hammond,IN. and everything was closed. Bill Johnson and me stayed in the building with the animals and for 2 days Inga,Tony and Tony jr. made sure we had a hot meal everyday. The Smaha's always took the best care for thier horses but also thier friends. I am proud to be one of thier many friends. Casey