Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pan American Circus flyer

Pan American Circus W.Oragne, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

If you had waited 6 months, you would have an advertising with me on it in your collection.
Left hand corner, is Joyce(probably the most honest, correct trick elephant there was, but terrible stable manners) doing the one foot stand, and in the lower center, is Billie. Three hind leg walks with trapeze/girl in mouth, 2 one foot stands, 2 front foot walks,hind leg stand on tub with rope/girl between, walking long mount, etc.etc. Arguably one of the best elephant acts of the last 75 years.
John Cuneo presented it until 1976, and I and my 3 year old son Adam(now doing a cage act for John), had the honor of presenting it until 1982. When Billie chose to "retire" in 1993, the act was never the same again, and Joyce died in 1998.
Lower right is Bill Golden, with Sultan(who gave me my first coronado,87 on my lower jaw) sitting up, and Prince jumping over. And yes, it was a long act, with a lot of great behaviors, and Bill was arguably one of the handsomest presenter of the last 50 years.
Upper right hand corner, is arguably once again, the greatest bear trainer of the last 50 years, Herta Klauser and Teddy on the high bike. For those who had the honor of seeing/assisting with the act, there is nothing arguable about it. 3 Himalayan bears front hand walking up steps, across plank, and down steps with Herta walking on her hands below. Bear rolling ball, with Herta rolling ball. Bear summersaulting with Herta doing one hand cartwheels, high bike as seen, Teddy doing figure 8's on bike, 2 motorcycles around the ring, etc. etc. and last but not least, the kiss O death with one of the biggest guy's I have ever seen, Bubbu the gentle giant.
Thanks for the photo,
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Why we don't totally agree with Mr. Burcks selective memory on his post, we would like to know the elephant diva's name that is working the 5 act with Mr. Cuneo. We seem to remember only her first...Jan...Anybody remember her last name?

Anonymous said...

The ladies,
Fred's girl friend was named, Debbie, I think. This girl was before Debbie, I think. John spoke of her only once or twice, and never to complementary. That's all I can remember. I know who he often said was his most beautiful elephant girl, I never heard "diva" before, but he wasn't working the act at the time.
Wade Burck

Paris Rags Romance said...

Hello the Ladies, Jans full name was Jan Daniels from California

Unknown said...

The middle right was Daryl Keener (my grandpa)with the Lancelot Link Secret Chimps!