Monday, March 10, 2008

Letterheads, Etc. #2

Scan000010963, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is one of the earliest announcements of this new act framed in 1952. The entire season was spent out west with Siebrand Bros. Circus & Carnival.


Bob Karczewski said...

How often did your Dad use the "Colonel" in front of his name and where did he come up with the idea? It is nice that he was such a prolific letter writer. Lugging a typewriter around in those days would have been a chore unless he used one of the show typewriters in the ticket/office wagon. Either way it is nice to have all of his letters for historical research.
Did he take a lot of pictures as well when money would allow or did a lot of the pictures come from friends, circus fans and the show itself?

Buckles said...

My father was fascinated by a character called the "Red Colonel" in a Saturday Evening Post series.
So much so that he and his buddy John Smith were dubbed "The Colonel" and "Bulshevik Smitty".
I still have his trunk but the type writer and Kodak camera have long since vanished.

Anonymous said...

Your dad was a prolific letter writer and I know that somewhere in my dad's files there is a wealth of information from your dad.
Bob Kitto