Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hawthorne Elephants #2

scan0002, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Photo #2 Coming around the final bend at the end of the daily journey. "All right, go on home/steady, come in line."


Anonymous said...

The leader, without a doubt, is a Lipizzan and I'm sure can do a fine courbette.

Anonymous said...

More beer,
Time for you to be cut off. With your skills at evaluating equine conformation, we need to partner up. Should be able to dump a barn load of dinks on the dressage world for a small fortune. You just have to convince them that it's not a scratch on their shoulder, but actually an import brand.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

My brother tells his rich clients buying two hundred thousand dollar horses for their kids for Xmas... Oh, Latvian warmbloods, they might have some marks. It's wear and tear from travel.