Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Anna May Wong (From Dave Price)

Wong, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Here we see the original Anna May, whose picture popped up on eBay.

I remember trying to call her years ago but (you guessed it) I kept getting the Wong number.

Wasn't Carl Wong's sway pole act billed as "Swing and sway, the Wong Way?"


Anonymous said...

The local movie theater here has dozens of 8 by 10s on the wall of stars, from Charlie Chaplin to Harrison Ford; many of them signed. Of course Anna May Wong is there. I pointed her picture out to my wife, just last month, as the namesake of your Anna May. It is easy to see she has star quality.

Don Bloomer

24-HOUR-MAN said...


Anonymous said...

You could write a book about how bulls were named. Like Anna May, Trilby, Topsy and so on just didn't come out of thin air. There's also the issue or re-naming animals multiple times and also "public" names versus those that were used by the elephant men.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

The names used by "Hog Jaw" would get the blog shut down!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty lady as well!

Anonymous said...

with all my respect Mr. Williams but was there a african bull name Buckles ? and if so where is it at now ? CleanRaul

GaryHill said...

David Mannas was on the Capts crew at CW. He got an african with one ear and named her Buckles. Houszers Zoo and Groves in Melboure, Fl.

GaryHill said...

There is a Vet in Grand Praire, Tx named "Dr. Sheets" that has a clinic on a street named Wong Way.I always wanted to go in and tell him, "Dr Sheets, my dog has the sheets!"

Anonymous said...

In Milton WI over the years there has been a bone-craqcker named Dr. Cures and one named Dr. Hammer. How's that for apt descriptions? Hope that my grammer is correct. I don't want the school principal remanding me to 4th grade.
Bob Kitto