Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Super Circus (From Jim Cole)

Super Circus, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Henry, Thank you for putting these photos on of Sealtest Big Top. I never missed it when I was a kid. So far I have only been able to unearth one episode on Video, it has the Flying Zacchinis on it.

Other '50s TV shows that featured Circus were "Super Circus", "Mickey Mouse Club (Thursdays)" and "Circus Boy". Those I have several episodes on both VHS and DVD.

I think that those TV shows were somewhat responsible for my being the circus fan I am today.

Jimmy Cole

"The kid is Sandy Dobritch" Buckles


Anonymous said...

In the early days of Chicago area TV the greatest hour and a half of television was Marlin Perkins on Zoo Parade followed by Super Circus. We'd head to my Uncle's on Sunday afternoon to watch these shows, he had a big (for the time) screen TV.

Beside Scampy Dobritch, the other clowns were Cliff Soule(sp?)and tramp Nicky Francis. I once saw N.Francis do a comedy car act at the Soldier Field 4th of July show. Anybody else see the act?

Anonymous said...

jim a,
Knowing the connection, I for one appreciate your excitement, admiration, awe, and wonderment of Marlin Perkins. Piece of advice, you may want to turn it down a notch. That angry person you mentioned is out there listening, and he might onload the Black Khaous in your direction, you Marlin Perkin's wanna be SOB!!!!!
Watch your back,
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Cole,
Wait a minute!!! Now you are giving credit to these TV programs. I alway's thought it was Tammy Wallenda, Pat White, and Susan Lacey, and Trudy Strong
Your friend,
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Wade, You forgot to include Jeanette Rix in that listing of fine lady animal trainers! Rembember getting us tickets to Ringling in St. Petersburg about a quarter of a century ago?

Your family documents will soon be in the mail on the way to Hawthorne. I can get the mailing address from any of the 4 ladies you previously mentioned.

Jimmy Cole