Friday, February 22, 2008

Rodeo Rangers #1 (From P.J. Holmes)

von #1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Please find enclosed 3 photos of Vonderheid's show from 1948. These where taken at Wapwallopin,Pa. To go along with the King Bros truck show photos the other day. Interesting sleeper/office trailer.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Buckles,
I am very interested in the trailer in the photo.
My family owns a rather small circus and we would like to expand the operation so we can play large metropolitan areas, such as Wapwallopin, Pennsylvania.
The trailer would hold enough equipment to almost double our present endeavor.
Please advise where we can contact owner.
Most sicerely,
Miss Nicole and Miss Alana

PS In order to save more money for us we would only paint the top half of the trailer and name our next show, BIG HILLBILLY JAMBOREE.