Tuesday, February 19, 2008

RBBB 1956 #14

rbbb14, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

When I saw the show in 1954, the Nocks three sway poles closed the show but worked to organ music since the band had dismounted from the bandstand, donned outfits like these and then re-entered for the finale. They marched down the back track and into the center ring followed by the performers who lined up on the front and back sides for their final salute.
This picture looks like a reprise (as they say with Big Apple) of the same thing, showing band members exiting the tent for the final time.



Anonymous said...

"Marching Ringling Band," directed by Izzy Cervone, was led by baton-twirling majorette Billie Mahoney in "Hoop Dee Doo" finale of '56 performance. -- Bill Hall

Anonymous said...

The band was coming down from the bandstand as early as 1952, to perform in the center ring near the end of the show.
Bob Kitto