Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cole Bros. Circus 1940 #10

Scan000010852, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The connection between the big top and menagerie. No idea what the tent at left might be. Too big for a doniker top.


Anonymous said...

Probably the "Blue Room."
Cindy Potter

Roger Smith said...

My sentiments exactly.

Roger Smith

Anonymous said...

Every day when walking to the cookhouse you would run into somene just coming from the cookhouse and naturally say, "What was it?" And if the reply, generally on Thursday, would be "liver", I would immediately turn around ande look to see if there was an eating place close to the lot. When Napolean Reed had the cookhouse the lunch each day was A B C, [applr sauce, bolonga and cheese]. The best was "Laughing George Davis". Mills Bros. [very good] served either a nice ham steak or half a fried chicken for Sunday dinner. They had waiters for bosses and performers and Iced Tea every meal.johnny.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, you win the grand prize. An ice cold Busch. Sure is right at the back of the big top.