Thursday, January 31, 2008

Zerbini Circus #7

DSC01825, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

This looks like a real fun act. Can someone tell me who it is?
The only goat act (not barnyard) that I can recall is Smith's Kids of years ago and I believe Jenny Vidbel did one on Al & Joyce's (We sure miss Vidbel's Olde Tyme.) show awhile back.

Paul Gutheil

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr. J.C. Hall, I think you got the lighting wrong on this picture, aren't they suppose to be PINK?

Anonymous said...

This is Carlos Svenson.

Anonymous said...

NOTE: Split Hoofs Cant Go to Canada!!! does TZ go to Canada?

Anonymous said...

No, but split brains can. Now sign on the dotted line. There is a straw house waiting for you in Pending, British Columbia. How long have you been working in the press department?
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Carlos was booked for the grand and glorious Ft. Wayne, Indiana Shrine date. He will not be with the regular Tarzan tour which will start probably in June, giving the entire cast enough time to practice, make new wardrobe, go on vacation, take town jobs and fill out their social security retirement papers. By the time the cast returns to the full season, the producer will have forgotten what act they did.
Been there, done that so don't lecture me!

Anonymous said...

Are you the one that they resigned "due to popular demand?"
Wade Burck

Adam said...

I wish Anonymous would leave a name who ever anonymous is or how many anonymous may be. Hell I've been anonymous once or twice here.
I've always left my name.
P.S. Carlos Svenson is a Complete Nut a Great circus guy and I always had a great time working with him and Susanna. BAC and VIDBEL'S.
Paul I sometimes miss that little red and white striped tent too.

Adam Spencer

Unknown said...

Hi Guys,
Yes you all right, Carlos is nuts. LOL
He's my second cousin. He has always been such a great performer ever since he was a young child. He followed the step of his mum and dad that was the original "The Svensons". In early 80's he started to perform with Susanna in Sweden and then Europe. Eventually they moved to USA in the early 90's. When not on the road he reside in Sarasota, FL, where his dad also lives. He got one son, age 10. Carlos is a perfectionist, great animal trainer and a superb performer.