Friday, January 18, 2008

Mills Bros. Circus 1963 #2

Scan000010675, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Have some peanuts, Harry.

It would be an interesting project for the bloggers to compile a list of all the performers that the Mills Brothers imported to the USA.

One family told me that upon arrival they were shown two empty compartments in a truck and were told that was their new home. The rooms were bare, nothing in there. They stuffed hay into feed bags for pillows and during the summer months the younger members of this family slept under the truck.

Ain't it grand?

Anonymous said...

Funny, I was reading an article in Time magazine about the hard living conditions of illegal farm workers. The pictures they showed may look sparse to some, but seemed pretty damn nice compared to the sleepers, campers, truck cabs and crappy hotels I've inhabited, and those guys have showers and toilets (can you imagine).
It must be tough for college educated journalists who have never experienced a moment of discomfort in their lives to believe that hardships are usually temporary, and secondary to being able to experience life the way you want to. Pity today's kids whose lives are devoid of adventure - they don't even have the circus to run away to anymore.


PS - I'm adding Struppi and Trudy to the list of ex-Mills performers

Anonymous said...





Julia Drougett

June Mills ?

Anonymous said...

Ha. I'm related to the mills brothers. my great grandmother was their sister. That's a good picture. We don't have many left in our family.

Anonymous said...

To the great grand niece of the circus legends,

For souvenir program books and miscellany collectible of your family please review EBAY, go to Circus Memorabilia and keep looking. I've found several MILLS BROS. CIRCUS items.
There are other categories under the CIRCUS heading, postcard, photos, etc. Try them also.

Do you know there are several members of your family enjoying the sunny sights of Sarasota, Florida?

Unless they owe you money, they probably be glad to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know there was any there. My Aunt Pauline lives in Fort Myers Florida and my Uncle Danny (her brother) was just down there for a funeral. They're the children of my great grandmother, Edith (the daughter of Anne Millinsky (not sure about spelling, but it changed to Mills when they came to america).

norm said...

I am the son of Rose, The Mills Bros. Sister. Anna Milinsky, the Mills Bros. mother, lived with us until she died in 1962.

Going to the circus when it came to town was always a wonderful treat while I was growing up.

Rodney said...

My Dad always told me stories about Uncle Jake and Jack, owning and operating a Small Circus, recollected many good memories and passed them onto me, Happy to know I'm in the Right place regarding this blog

Rodney said...

And also the that My Dad was named after his Uncle Harry