Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Dailey Bros. Circus 1947 #10

dailey494, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Bob Cline said...

This elephant car looks like its all wood? Is it safe to assume this was a regular Box car that Mr. Davenport converted for Circus use?

Anonymous said...

This is a former Pacific Whaling Company vehicle, which once hauled and displayed a preserved whale carcass around North America. When with Austin Bros. it was first a stock car and then a workingmens sleeper. Images are in the Fox & Parkinson trains book and Dahlinger's Show Trains volume. Tom Parkinson wrote an article about the firm "Big Boom in Blubber" in True, The Man's Magazine, Sept 1960, and Sam Abbott wrote about them in Billboard, June 28, 1952. The cars were cheap, with a pair ending up on Arthur Bros. as flats. They're also covered in Bandwagon stories about the respective shows, and Austin Bros.

Bob Cline said...

I'm sorry I don't know who to thank for the info, but Thank you. I always enjoy hearing the history of such items.