Friday, December 07, 2007

To David

Scan000010552, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

These are classic pictures of a circus (of which I'm hearing the name for the first time), but also of mid-America, in the 1930's. I'm sure some of the members are out of view, but doesn't it seem like a small band?

"Here's a better picture, it's about the same size as the Ken & Nicole band today." Buckles


David said...

Thanks for the special response. You also gave me a good laugh. I've been following your blog for a few months now, and every so often you mention Ken and Nicole. I could never figure out who you were talking about until now. I'll be laughing the rest of the day, and also as I watch their new show come March.

Anonymous said...

This show was only out for two years, 1938 & '39. The owners were Charles W. Parker and Ira Watts.

Anonymous said...

If I remember right Paul Luckey, who many of you know from CWM, had the band on this show. One time when we visited in the 60's, Paul was some parts for Merle, that had been lost. I couldn't tell Paul's writing from the printed originals.
Bob Kitto