Thursday, November 08, 2007

Tim McCoy #1 (From Bob Cline)

Tim McCoy 1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The original Tim McCoy ticket wagon found its way to the Ringling show where it served various purposes. These three photos are taken out back of the Ringling Museums where this wagon remains. Bill Myer and I did the plans for this for the Circus Model Builders back in the 1970's.


Anonymous said...

There were Springfield-built two ticket wagons with the McCoy outfit, per the vehicle list in the Pfening booklet. The larger of the two, #60, painted blue. There's images of it in the Pfening book, pages 18 and 44. A photo of it coming down the runs while with Sedlkmayr's R&C is in a carnival program, though the length given therein is 19', different than the McCoy listing of 16'. It went into the new RAS outfit. The body was destroyed in a RAS RR mishap, the undergear salvaged and placed under the wagon that hauled the faux organ for the multiple wheels. Bill Hall now owns it.

The second McCoy vehcile was the side show ticket wagon, #62. I believe it's the wagon on pages 52 and 55 of the Pfening booklet. A close comparison of the left side arrangement of the forward access door and the vertical stiffeners in that area with the same area on RBBB 316/52/104 will yield the conclusion that there are marked differences. The stiffeners are in different locations. Lacking paper confirmation of a McCoy to RBBB transfer, it would seem to be more rational that the RBBB wagon was built new by Springfield, which supplied the new ticket wagons to the circus in the mid-1930s. The clincher would be to locate images of the wagon on RBBB in the period of 1934-1938.