Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ringling Red 1981 #19

Ringling81-20, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

From Eric:

The Felds' “Circus Street Parade” spec was clearly intended as a tie-in to the 1980 Broadway musical BARNUM (in which they had a financial interest.) Unlike previous Feld specs that celebrated old time circus nostalgia, this one actual had some real, honest-to-goodness old time circus music. Adding further to the authenticity, the bass player (who was one of the traveling musicians) put down his electric bass and picked up a tuba, while Keith Greene played the solo cornet parts an octave higher on a piccolo trumpet. Once the “circus parade” itself made its entrance, the music changed to Karl King’s NEW MADISON SQUARE GARDEN MARCH, which created an atmosphere that was nothing less than REAL OLD TIME CIRCUS!