Sunday, November 04, 2007

New Circus Musical #1 (From Raffaele de Ritis)

DSCF2433[2], originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

So, finally Miss Boccoli debuted officialy at the circus... Moira Orfei's new show "Una tigre per amore" opened in Milano last week (you posted the poster the other day). This is a true "circus musical", starring Brigitta Boccoli and Stefano Nones, with plot, acting, original songs, costume changes, live band, and dancers. It is a love story of a prince beng transformed in to a tiger by a witch.
The cast incorporates top acts as juggler Shirley Dean (Don Matinez's daughter) and Gerd Koch liberty horses.
Mrs.Moira herself made an appearance in the ring after years with a brief apparition.
The unusual concept and Miss Boccoli's tv popularity are attracting huge crowds to the circus at his full capacity. The show will then be in Rome in December.


Anonymous said...

Mr. de Rittis,

The inside ring curb is banked, is this for Cossack Riders?

Just to clarify: is that the Don Martinez formerly of the Flying Farfans?

Will the show be on tour after the December engagement in Rome?

Also, could you give us some background on Moira Orfei, I use to know, but the memory is a little forgetful.

With appreciation for all the fine material you submit to the blog.

GaryHill said...

IF I can get a visa on my passport for Italy, I wonder if she has a cageboy position open? Just dreaming!

Raffaele De Ritis said...

1)The inside curb is banked, becuse the circus used for years to have cossak riding acts from Moscow, so they purchased one of those rings.
2)Yes, Shirley is the daughter of the great Don, who actually lives in Germany.
3)The show is always on tour: actually, I think Moira Orfei is the only circus at my knowledge that never stopped to tour in 40 years. I just don't know if the tour will include Miss Boccoli...
4)About Moira Orfei: she used to be one of the greatest italian movie stars in the 60s, then she created in the 70s the two rings "circus on ice" with her husband, the trainer Walter Nones. She was very famous for presenting elephants. This woman is so popular that for years they have been billing posters just with her face on, without a word, and people knew that you was going to see the best circus possible...
I will try to post some vintage Moira in the future...
5) cageboy: I see too many application, and I'm scheduled first, don't need a visa neither...Anyway, she is the fiancee to Stefano Nones Orfei, the circus boss.