Thursday, October 04, 2007

Jones Bros. Shows 1915 #8

Scan000010276, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Myrtle" , seen above, was in the RBBB herd the winter of 1956-57 when I was there but on her last legs, almost totally blind. A young guy named Chief would take about a half dozen old elephants to an outdoor picket line each morning where they would spent the day.
One morning, as they passed in front of "Kernaudi", she suddenly broad sided "Myrtle", knocking her completely through the fence where she lay motionless. A futile attempt was made to get her back on her feet but she had already given up.
The Krall was closed to the public and she was later euthanized by the Vets, covered with a tarp and that evening dragged out back and buried.
"Big Modoc" had died just before I arrived, it was quite a stir, and "Big Babe" died the day the train pulled out for NYC. Three grand old ladies, it was as tho they went on cue, aware that the tented days were gone."
